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Teaching Failure


One of the most frustrating situations in my life happened during my high school year. I used to own an Instagram account posting about my life as a student in my high school. Many people messaged me asking for various information about myself and the schools such as the school's curriculum, my grades, and many more. Although I did not expect these questions at all, I happily answered them.

One day, I received messages from a middle schooler who wanted to continue his education at my school. He asked about my preparations, habits, and even my mindsets. After I chatted with him for a while, I acknowledged his determination and saw him as my first student. I was glad that I was able to contribute to other’s life. So, I continued to guide him as much as I could until the exam.

Then the unforgettable result was announced. He did not pass the first round of the exam. I knew he was feeling sad and needed comfort. At that time, I was speechless and frustrated because I could not think of any word to comfort him. Despite the frustration, I tried carefully to calm him down. I told him that he tried his best and that fact was all the matter.

I was not sure how much those words helped him, but, in the end, he thanked me for everything. Being unable to do anything makes the final moment one of the most frustrating times in my life.

This really got me into questioning myself on how I look after or deal with others having hard times.

When someone is having a hard time, empathy is the best approach for them at that moment.