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Trying Dating App


Context: I saw a dating app advertisement on Instagram and got into thinking.

TODO: add Tinder ads

I have been thinking about dating apps for a very long time. I am just wondering if connecting people via online really works for deep relationships.

I used to think about actually trying some at some point but I was afraid of hurting others’ feelings. Well, I would definitely reject everyone there because I wasn’t ready for a relationship. I was just curious about what’s inside and wanted to learn more.

Now I am considering turning into a bad guy and trying the app.

Here we go again, choose one Others’ feelings or My own curiosity

My first day on Tinder went so bad.

I went on searching for both men and women. Most of the people I found weren't my type, I guess? (Judging from their photos)

For example:

  • Men flexing their muscles
  • women wearing swimsuits
  • some being naked with their arms concealing their nipples
  • Some even posting genitals (Wtf)

But there were also nice things. I found some of my friends on it lol. I read others’ biographies and kinda learned something new. I feel like I grew a bit by seeing how the world really is. (I am still too naive.)

I wasted a lot of my time on it. Let's stop using it for now. Now I'll just wait for someone to match me but probably not any time soon, since I am using a different approach.

Here is my profile's photo. These are ones that get people to know more about me, which is my face or body. (I can't still imagine myself เก็กท่าหล่อๆ เท่ๆ or โชว์กล้าม lol.)

TODO: Add a photo of me

Yes, my thought is so โบราณ but I still hope these photos can get me some nice friends or a lover. Oh, maybe my type is someone who thinks like คนแก่.